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2295 sr 124
Russellville, AR, 72802
United States


Creature Comforts is a luxury pet boarding & daycare facility located in Russellville, Arkansas. Owners, Noel and Betsy Snyder,  bringing a combined 40 years of zookeeping experience and knowledge with them, opened this facility in Betsy's home town in 2015.


Services & Pricing

Creature Comforts

                                                           Pet Boarding & Daycare

Creature Comforts Pricing Menu

Pet Boarding

Experience a home away from home for your furry friend.

  • Standard room: $42/night
    Cozy accommodations with plenty of room to play and relax; with 24hr personalized care, a private outdoor area, and a large play yard

  • Deluxe Suite: $50/night
    Extra spacious suite with premium bedding, 24hr personalized care, a private outdoor area, and a large play yard

  • Doggy Daycare

Keep your pet active and social in a safe environment!

  • Half-Day (up to 4 hours): $12
    Perfect for those busy schedules!

  • Full Day: $22.50
    A full day of play, socialization, and fun with supervision.

  • Multi-Day Pass (5 days): $90
    Save with our multi-day option for frequent daycare visits!

birds & Small Mammals

  • Large parrots:   $20.00 ea/night

  • birds:   $15.00 per cage/night

  • Small Mammals:  $15.00 per cage/night

  • Reptiles:  $15.00 per cage/night

Additional Services

Enhance your pet's stay with our add-on services.

  • Specialized Care: $4/day
    For pets requiring extra attention, medications, or special diets.

  • Food: $5/day

    we can provide iams dry food at recommended daily amount

Package Deals

Take advantage of our special package options!

Daycare Bundle: $90
5 full days of daycare for the price of 4!


  • All pricing is per pet.

  • 3 or more Additional pets from the same family receive a 15% discount on boarding.

  • Reservations are required.

Let your pets enjoy the utmost care and comfort at Creature Comforts—a luxury experience they will love!DOGS

*Please note that when making an online reservation request that we will reserve the size room that you normally request, or the size that is available for the dates requested. You may put in the comment space the room size that you prefer and we will try to reserve that size, if it’s available. Also, be sure to watch for an email notification of acceptance or denial of the reservation request.






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