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2295 sr 124
Russellville, AR, 72802
United States


Creature Comforts is a luxury pet boarding & daycare facility located in Russellville, Arkansas. Owners, Noel and Betsy Snyder,  bringing a combined 40 years of zookeeping experience and knowledge with them, opened this facility in Betsy's home town in 2015.


Contact Us

You can find us at the intersection of Weir Rd. and SR 124 in Russellville, AR. We are ALL the way at the top of the gravel drive. Call anytime to schedule a tour of our facility, we'd love to show you and your pets around.




Creature Comforts

2295 old hwy 124 (at Weir Rd.)

Russellville, Arkansas 72802

ph: 479-968-0880

fax: 479-289-5352